EpiSwitch® Prostate Screening Test (PSE)
The 94% accurate prostate cancer blood test

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Testing with a standard PSA test is 55% accurate

PSE boosts prostate cancer screening test to 94% accuracy

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EpiSwitch® Prostate Screening Test (PSE)

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1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime

If you have received an elevated PSA result, or have concerns where prostate cancer must be ruled out, talk to your primary care doctor about the PSE test

Get the Test

Fast, accurate results from a routine blood test

  1. Complete a Requisition Form – Work with your physician to complete and fax the PSE requisition form to: +1 240-913-5681
  2. Provide a small blood sample – Your physician will collect and send us a small blood sample using our Specimen Submission Kit
  3. Receive test results – Within 5 days of receiving the sample, your PSE test result will be electronically & securely reported to the ordering physician.

PSE can reduce referrals for unnecessary prostate biopsies

Source: † Pchejetski et al. (2023). Circulating CCS Significantly Enhance PSA PPV and Overall Accuracy for Prostate Cancer Detection. Cancers, 15(3), 821. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cancers15030821

Personalized EpiSwitch PSE Report

Personalize your guidance for each patient

An EpiSwitch PSE report is securely returned to the ordering physician. It includes indications for the healthcare professional to determine who should proceed to biopsy, and who can be placed on active surveillance.

View Sample Report

EpiSwitch PSE Profile

Your Result
Low Likelihood
High Likelihood
High Likelihood

The EpiSwitch Prostate Screening (PSE) Test result indicates a high likelihood of prostate cancer. This result is consistent with cancer being confirmed in more than 9 out of 10 men.

Your healthcare provider will consider this result along with other clinical features and history to determine which additional diagnostic test(s), such as a biopsy, is appropriate to confirm.

Validated test with high accuracy, specificity and sensitivity

  • EpiSwitch PSE is administered alongside or following a standard PSA test
  • Blood test measures five (5) epigenetic biomarkers and combines these with the patient’s PSA score
  • EpiSwitch PSE was validated across a population of asymptomatic men randomly invited for cancer screening
technical overview

Download the Technical Overview to learn more about how EpiSwitch PSE can help guide treatment decisions for patients and their providers.

Download Technical Overview

Fast and accurate prediction of an individual's likelihood of prostate cancer with a routine qPCR blood test.

Blood Drop Icon

Our comprehensive and validated approach delivers a report to the ordering physician via secure electronic communication or fax. Results will be available around 5 days after the lab receives the patient's blood sample.

genomic database

Built on Oxford BioDynamics' EpiSwitch technology platform, PSE is based on a comprehensive and validated approach

The EpiSwitch PSE blood signature was developed using Oxford BioDynamics' EpiSwitch 3D genomic immune health database—the world's largest genomic database—via several controlled studies.

PSE uses 3D genomic profiling to assess an individual's current likelihood of prostate cancer. This method uncovers vital drivers of systemic changes in their blood, including immune cells associated with prostate cancer.

Get The Test

Are you interested in becoming an EpiSwitch PSE registered healthcare provider?

Contact EpiSwitch PSE Customer Service at 888-236-8896 (US) or 01865 504932 (UK) to open an account, request customized EpiSwitch PSE Requisition Forms branded for your practice, order EpiSwitch PSE collection kits, or request further assistance relating to EpiSwitch PSE. We look forward to speaking with you.

Download the Requisition Form and order your patient's test today.

Download the Requisition Form (US) Download the Requisition Form (UK)
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Frequently Asked Questions about EpiSwitch PSE


Circulating Chromosome Conformation Signatures Significantly Enhance PSA Positive Predicting Value and Overall Accuracy for Prostate Cancer Detection

Cancers | Dec 27, 2022 View Article >

Monocytes Acquire Prostate Cancer Specific Chromatin Conformations Upon Indirect Co-Culture With Prostate Cancer Cells

Front Oncol | Aug 19, 2022 View Article >

Chromatin Conformation Changes in Peripheral Blood Can Detect Prostate Cancer and Stratify Disease Risk Groups

J Trans Med | Jan 28, 2021 View Article >